Thursday, February 18, 2010

recording experience/tech recitation/readings

My recording experience was alright considering I've never made a video before. Video/Computers in general are really out of my comfort zone. Im more of a materials guy. After playing around with the camera and searching through the menu on my own, i got the hang of it. I learn much more when I do it myself. I did however, get frustrated with my recording conditions. It just wasn't the right environment for what i wanted to portray. It would be nice to have a Hollywood budget and be able to record on a set/studio or in a vacuum. . That being said, I think I recorded some ideas which speak to my sources. I definitely appreciate video/film much more after this experience.
I was home sick with the flu all of last week so I missed the tech recitation. However, I sat in on Sarah Bapst's class on Tuesday evening. The tech recitation was very helpful. Its nice to have someone there to guide you through the basics. And even though I didn't understand everything all at once, it was nice to have a familiarity with FCE for when I went back to work on my own.
I thought the reading was informative. This book reads like a survey class - a little bit of everything. I think its very useful to have when working on a specific project. Its important to know the language you are using in your art. As an abstract painter, non-narrative work comes easily. Or, at least I have an understanding of how to approach it. Narrative work is fairly simple. I think of it as process, like building a sandwich.

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